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Boshijie Technology Co., Ltd




Boshijie Technology Co., Ltd. is engaged in the manufacturing of metal forming machine tools; CNC machine tool manufacturing; Manufacturing of hardware products; Mechanical parts and component processing; Manufacturing of hardware products; In the manufacturing process of metal cutting machine tools and other businesses, 500L of emulsified waste liquid is generated every day. Yujia Environmental Protection Engineer communicates with Bosch Jie Technology project leader to understand specific requirements and provide a professional and customized emulsified waste liquid treatment plan.

Project Introduction

Partner: Boshijie Technology Co., Ltd

Wastewater type: emulsion waste liquid

Usage model: Xuanwu A500

Daily processing capacity: 500L


澳门| 安塞县| 会同县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 房产| 文水县| 共和县| 武宣县| 萨迦县| 深圳市| 东兴市| 垫江县| 射阳县| 马尔康县| 镇原县| 攀枝花市| 泾源县| 广汉市| 泰州市| 昂仁县| 南华县| 界首市| 汉寿县| 南溪县| 鸡泽县| 黑水县| 运城市| 万年县| 六枝特区| 来凤县| 鹤岗市| 万州区| 泌阳县| 印江| 新疆| 诸城市| 新疆| 石台县| 苍山县| 灵武市| 鄂托克前旗|