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Zhejiang Zhongkong Group (listed company)

Release date:2024-03-20


The business scope of Zhejiang Zhongkong Group includes the distribution of light textile raw materials, dyes, building materials, hardware products, handicrafts, textiles, knitwear and other products. During the production and manufacturing process, 500L of hardware wastewater is generated every day. After understanding the wastewater treatment needs, Yujia Environmental Protection engineers and the project leader of Zhejiang Zhongkong Group provide a professional and customized hardware wastewater treatment plan. The Xuanwu A500 low-temperature evaporator produced by Yujia Environmental Protection is used to treat hardware wastewater, and the treated distilled water is reused to reduce operating costs.

Project Introduction

Partner: Zhejiang Zhongkong Group

Wastewater type: Hardware wastewater

Usage model: Xuanwu A500

Daily processing capacity: 500L


Online Message
汉源县| 潞西市| 思茅市| 荥阳市| 宣武区| 通道| 蓬莱市| 彝良县| 南涧| 武平县| 安陆市| 黄冈市| 上高县| 延川县| 科尔| 东丽区| 顺义区| 开原市| 建瓯市| 增城市| 甘孜县| 天台县| 盈江县| 内江市| 左贡县| 合水县| 多伦县| 阜康市| 盘山县| 漳州市| 尼勒克县| 光泽县| 桦川县| 临桂县| 安溪县| 叶城县| 大名县| 青铜峡市| 喀喇沁旗| 张北县| 海口市|