Application Case
A chemical plant in Ningxia
The main business of a chemical plant in Ningxia is the manufacturing and processing of N, N-diethylhydroxylamine, p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, difluoroacetic acid, ethyl difluoroacetate, 4,4 '- oxobenzenesulfonyl hydrazine, diisopropylamine, triethylamine, N-benzyl tert butylamine, and chemical equipment. During the production and processing process, 20 tons of chemical wastewater are generated every day. The solution provided by Yujia Environmental Protection's wastewater treatment experts is to use low-temperature distillation technology to treat wastewater, and it is recommended that customers use the Baihu-C1500 low-temperature steam crystallization equipment, which has a daily processing capacity of 15T-20 tons to meet customer production needs.
Partner: A chemical plant in Ningxia
Wastewater type: Chemical wastewater
Usage model: White Tiger C20T
Daily processing capacity: 20T