
Zhejiang Zheyan Machinery Co., Ltd

Release date:2024-04-26


Zhejiang Zheyan Machinery Co., Ltd. belongs to the black metal smelting and rolling processing industry, engaged in cold extrusion parts processing and sales; In the manufacturing and sales of mechanical parts, 500L of cutting waste liquid and hardware cleaning wastewater are generated every day during the production and processing process. Yujia Environmental Protection has a lot of case experience in treating cutting waste liquid and hardware cleaning wastewater. In order to better demonstrate the advantages of Yujia Environmental Protection's low-temperature evaporation equipment in treating cutting waste liquid and hardware cleaning wastewater, the sales engineer of Yujia Environmental Protection led the project leader of Zhejiang Zhejiang Research Machinery to conduct on-site inspections of Yujia Environmental Protection's past cases. After on-site visits and case studies, the project leader of Zhejiang Zhejiang Research Machinery recognized the results of Yujia Environmental Protection's low-temperature evaporation equipment in treating cutting wastewater, and both parties reached a consensus on cooperation.

Project Introduction

Partner: Zhejiang Zheyan Machinery Co., Ltd

Wastewater types: cutting fluid and hardware cleaning wastewater

Usage model: Xuanwu A500

Daily processing capacity: 500L


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